

 Connor is seven months old already. He was in my tummy longer than that, but I feel like he has been in my life forever. It's as if he's been a part of me from the beginning! I love him so much and enjoy watching him grasp new concepts and get more and more mobile everyday!!!
 Connor's personality is shining through more and more. Although there is one thing that remains constant...Connor get's mad when he is tired or hungry. Besides that I am learning so much more about who this little angel is. Connor loves being held to watch what's going on (way up high where I am), he is such a daddy's boy, he absolutely loves being outside even if it is just sitting in the grass, he always wants to go go go, he is thrilled every time I read him books, and he only likes grown up food even if he doesn't really like it. He is my super-star and I love him so very very much!!!
 Connor is moving so much now and finding all sorts of ways to end up in the morning. Sometimes I wake to him crying and come to find him squished in the corner with no idea how to get out. Of course I don't think he knows how he got there in the first place.
 Ever since this baby found his feet he can't get enough of them and I love it. I giggle when I come to find him singing his own little songs (Ahhh Ahhh AHHHH Ahhhhhhhhhh) and playing with his toesies, sometimes even sucking on them. The little guy is more flexible than me or Everett have ever been combined.
 Me n Connor are the best of buds. We love making each other laugh and driving each other crazy on occasion too ;) We always know the best way to make the other's day...!
 I am happy to find Connor's new excitement about learning and life. He really wiggles and waves and jumps whenever he discovers something new. He also does his little dances for me and his daddy sometimes, which always brings us joy!
 Connor is becoming a great helper already. Today he folded the laundry. What a bright 7 month old. Knowing exactly how to butter momma up ;)
 "What can I do now mom?!"
"Oh we are done? Ok! Let's go to the library and get more books to read!!!"
That is exactly what we did today. The weather was beautiful and the walk was perfect (not too short and not too long). I LOVE our stroller because I just put the shade over him and he slept the whole way! We returned his last books and got him all new ones. I am so excited to read them too him. I feel like this is my new hobby (going to the library and getting book for me and Connor to read throughout the week!!!)

All together life is great, with it's everyday challenges and blessed moments of happiness. Our family is healthy, Everett is doing fantastic in school and work, I LOVE being a mom, Connor is happy and chubby, and Rexburg isn't so bad after all!!!

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